
MAAT is an omnichain meta-yield aggregation protocol with a portfolio management feature, built using LayerZero V2 and Stargate V2 technologies. Our current product version is in the MVP stage, and we are planning to enhance the functionality and user experience in the upcoming V1 version.

Key Features

Yield Aggregation

MAAT aggregates yields from various protocols, Yearn Finance, AAVE etc., enabling us to search for the best yield sources available. This approach allows users to benefit from multiple yield opportunities without the need to manually search for the best options.

Portfolio Management

With MAAT, users do not need to search for the best yield options manually. MAAT automatically finds and allocates funds to the most profitable yield strategies available. When yields decrease, MAAT automatically reallocates funds to the next best option from the list of supported strategies, ensuring optimal returns.


MAAT ensures the safety of user funds through the use of smart contracts and their inherent restrictions. The architecture of our smart contracts can be viewed to gain a better understanding of our protocol's inner workings. Additionally, all deployed and verified smart contracts are available for inspection on any supported chain, providing transparency and security assurance.

Roadmap to V1


  • Improved functionality for yield aggregation and portfolio management.

  • Enhanced user interface and experience for easier interaction with the protocol.

  • Additional yield strategies and aggregator integrations.

User Experience

  • Streamlined process for viewing and managing yield strategies.

  • Automated notifications for yield performance and fund reallocations.

  • Comprehensive dashboard for monitoring portfolio performance.

By integrating advanced yield aggregation and portfolio management features with the security of smart contracts, MAAT aims to provide users with a seamless and secure yield optimization experience across multiple chains.

Last updated