Data Hub (Indexer)

The Data Hub, also known as the Indexer, is a crucial component of the MAAT protocol. It serves as the central repository and access point for all data required to optimize and manage the system. The Data Hub provides comprehensive and up-to-date information about yield strategies, chains, protocols, and the overall system state.


Get Strategies

The Data Hub retrieves and indexes information about all available yield strategies. This includes details about each strategy's performance, risk profile, and compatibility with various assets.

Get Chains

It gathers and maintains data on supported blockchain networks, including chain IDs, network statuses, and other relevant parameters that ensure seamless cross-chain operations.

Monitor System State and Events

It provides a holistic view of the current state of the MAAT system, including the total value locked (TVL), asset allocations, and performance metrics. This function is critical for the Yield Searcher to calculate the optimized system state.

Moonitor APYs

The Data Hub collects and provides current Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) for all accessible strategies. This data is essential for determining the most profitable strategies to pursue.

Interaction with Other Layers

Yield Searcher

The Yield Searcher relies on the Data Hub to obtain the latest data on strategies, chains, and protocols. This information is used to calculate the optimal asset distribution and issue commands to the Execution Layer.

Strategy Layer

The Strategy Layer's performance data is fed into the Data Hub, ensuring that all indexed information is up-to-date and accurately reflects the real-time state of each strategy.

Last updated