
Yield Searcher

The Yield Searcher optimizes asset allocation across various yield-generating strategies, ensuring maximum returns. It monitors strategy performance, rebalances assets, and interacts with the Data Hub for current APYs and the Math layer for optimal distribution calculations.


A Vault is a smart contract that holds user assets and distributes them across different yield strategies. It manages deposits, withdrawals, and asset allocation, ensuring secure storage and efficient yield generation.


A Strategy is a contract that links the Vault to external yield-generating protocols. It executes specific yield farming strategies tailored for each protocol.


A User is anyone who interacts with the MAAT protocol, using the DApp to deposit assets, check earnings, and withdraw funds.


Rebalance refers to the process of adjusting the distribution of assets across different strategies to maintain optimal performance and maximize yields.

Withdraw Request

A Withdraw Request is an action initiated by the user to withdraw their assets from the MAAT system. The request locks the user's shares until the withdrawal is processed, potentially involving cross-chain bridging.

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