
User and Assets exist out of single blockchain boundary

Our goal is to give users the best yields by finding the best opportunities, technologies, innovations in the space.

We are targeting to make MAAT the most interoperable to push the boundaries of current apps that are focused on main, most popular chains, missing opportunities on different blockchains.

We are going to integrate the most

Planned features

Features we are planning integrate to reach our goals:

  • 3-rd party Yield Searchers - we are going to let other independent developers and companies to build their own Yield Searching structures using MAAT. We will provide the best infrastructure to build solutions. Yield Searchers will have ability to make their own rules, fees, strategies in list of supported ones. With feature like that Compound can build their own Yield Searcher to aggregate and balance supply APY across many chains to balance it and offer Compound suppliers safest way to earn on highest APY across all Compound markets.

  • Permissionless strategies - we want MAAT to grow by itself, by utilising talented Devs and Yield Searchers we want to enable anyone into earn with building strategies.

  • Transparency with detailed analytics - we

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