Layered Structure

We were inspired by Ethereum's layered architecture, which allows for internal changes within layers without affecting other layers. This approach offers significant improvements over monolithic structures, providing flexibility and scalability.

Our Layered System

We have built a similar system comprising three distinct layers:

  1. Yield Searching Layer (off-chain)

  2. Execution Layer (core smart contracts)

  3. Strategy Layer (strategy contracts that generate yields)

Layer Descriptions

Yield Searching Layer

The Yield Searching Layer operates off-chain and performs three key functions:

  1. Gather Blockchain Data. Collects data about the system and integrated protocols.

  2. Calculate Optimized System State. Analyzes data to determine the optimal state for the system.

  3. Command Execution. Sends commands to the Execution Layer's smart contracts to implement the optimized strategies.

Execution Layer

The Execution Layer consists of core smart contracts that:

  • Execute Commands: Act on the instructions received from the Yield Searching Layer.

  • Manage User Interactions: Accept user deposits and process withdrawal requests.

Strategy Layer

The Strategy Layer includes a variety of smart contracts designed to implement different earning strategies. All of them implement same ERC4626 interface to be modular. We can develop and add strategies regularly without releasing new major version of contracts.

Last updated