Yield Searcher

The Yield Searcher is a critical off-chain component of the MAAT protocol, responsible for ensuring that user assets are allocated in the most efficient and profitable manner. Operating off-chain, the Yield Searcher performs several vital functions that drive the system's optimization and yield generation.


Calculate Optimized System State

Using the gathered data, the Yield Searcher analyzes and calculates the optimal state for the system. This involves determining the best allocation of assets across different strategies to maximize returns and minimize risks. Advanced algorithms and mathematical models are used to perform these calculations.

Command Execution

Once the optimized system state is determined, the Yield Searcher issues commands to the Execution Layer's smart contracts. These commands instruct the smart contracts on how to allocate or reallocate assets, ensuring that the system remains in its optimal state.

Interaction with Other Layers

Execution Layer

The Yield Searcher interacts with the Execution Layer by sending it commands based on the calculated optimal system state. The Execution Layer then carries out these commands, adjusting asset allocations as needed.

Strategy Layer

The Yield Searcher indirectly influences the Strategy Layer by deciding which strategies to fund and how much to allocate to each. This ensures that the most profitable and secure strategies are prioritized.

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